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Summer art club.......YAY!!!

I've decided to hold a fun Summer art club, for those who wish to join. This will be drawing only (pencil and paper are the only necessary supplies), and mostly step by step, since that works best from home. Students may come to any classes they wish, whenever they feel like joining. Classes are free of charge. I'm just bored, I miss them, and this is a good way to keep in touch and keep up their drawing skills :)


Please sign up below, so I can have your email to send you the weekly invite links. Classes will take place on Google Meets. I'm not super techy, but will try my best to make this work!

Please click on the poster below for more information. 

Class times:

Kinder-3rd Grade:

Wednesdays at 2:00

4th-6th Grade:

Wednesdays at 3:00

***Since this does not take place at school, and class space and discipline will not be an issue, students may sign up for whichever you think is best, or even both, if they can handle it. Please make sure to specify which class (or classes) you want them in, so I can make sure to send the correct link. 

Contact Us. Please fill this out to sign up:

Thanks for submitting!

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